Thursday, February 19, 2009

Unlikely sources

I started to accept the fact that I will be getting almost 0% encouragement about the trip to Africa from most people I encounter.  It's a funny thing though.  Just as soon as I start to get defensive about it (because it always leads to them telling me how ridiculous of an idea it is or how they'll chop off my head and boil it) the person I'm being short with turns out to be the most supportive.  I was talking to someone at work yesterday and she was so supportive of the whole thing.  It really threw me off guard to have someone ask questions and not be critical.  I have kind of built up this protection barrier for conversations about Africa with people that are not supportive so that their negativity does not affect me like I have let it.  I know deep down this is what I need to do, but to have people continually tell you how ridiculous something so important to you is you begin to question it yourself. 

All this to say that God has continually been preparing me for this trip.  I don't know what some of it means in the big picture, but I trust Him.  And He's provided me encouragement when I really need it and most often from unlikely sources!

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